Wisma Bahasa designed The bahasa Indoneisa Program for UKBI Preparation to help students or general participants who will take the UKBI test. We recommend this program to students who have reached intermediate and advanced levels.

This program focuses on improving their bahasa Indonesia skills by recognizing the three types of questions in the UKBI test skills, namely listening, responding to grammar, and reading.


The learning model emphasizes practicing activities to answer the questions. We also highlight these goals in addition to practicing:

    • Recognizing the types of text that appear in the UKBI test,

    • Recognizing the types of questions and tricks to answer questions,

    • Recognizing the linguistic rules that appear in the UKBI test.

Wisma Bahasa

Wisma Bahasa

Teach no words

only create situations

in which you learn and enjoy

communicating in the language.

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